Planting and Picking Spring Greens

Sun Woo showing off some beautiful rainbow chard bunches

It sure does seem that spring has come early this year! We have been able to till and plant much earlier than usual with all the warm and dry weather we’ve been having. After working hard all winter to have the earliest spring vegetables for you, we are starting to see the rewards!

We have an abundance of antioxidant-rich leafy greens your body craves at this time of year (ours do!). This includes kale, chard, collard greens, and raab. Raab is the superstar this time of year, thriving in cool temperatures. It is very similar to broccolini, and is delicious sauteed with garlic, olive oil, and balsalmic vinegar. Be sure to pick some up! All of our new hens have started laying as well, so we have plenty of eggs as well as our pork and grass fed ground beef.

Emily and Sun Woo carefully thinning the first radish crop in the greenhouse

Also, stay tuned for more info on our upcoming Spring Farm to Table Dinner! So many of you were excited about the idea that we’ve decided to go for it. It will likely be in late spring when the real abundance has begun.

CSA Stand Now Open
Tuesdays and Thursdays
2 to 7 PM

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